Beef tripe recipes from around the world
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Mondongo ayacuchano (tripe recipe from Peru)


1 pound of tripe
1 pound of giant white corn
1 pound of brisket
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon of ground red pepper
Olive oil


Place the white corn in a pot with water. When the water starts boiling, drain and replace with fresh water, then add the tripe and the brisket to the corn. Lower the flame to a minimum, season with oregano and salt, and let it simmer slowly the whole night. In a skillet, sautee in olive oil the chopped onion and garlic with the ground cumin and the ground red pepper. A few minutes later, once the onion is translucent, add it to the tripe. Serve sprinkled with chopped mint leaves.